With the ‘WEG Digital Notify’ App, industrial asset management is now also performed via smartphone


The WEG Motor Fleet Management allows checking the operating status of low and medium voltage motors, VSDs and soft-starters, starting systems with smart relays (SRW), gearboxes, gearmotors, compressors and other assets installed in any type of industry or facility. Through periodic data collection and advanced data processing, both at the edge and  in the cloud, alert and critical level notifications are automatically generated by the system, thus indicating the operating condition of each asset, hence of the fleet as a whole.

Until now, notifications could be viewed in the WEG Motion Fleet Management application itself (https://mfm.wnology.io/) or via emails sent by the solution. With the WEG Digital Notify App, notifications can also be viewed on the smartphone and their status can be changed or updated, according to ongoing or performed maintenance actions. The status of a notification may be new, acknowledged or solved.

This new feature is available for Android and iOS. Notifications can be viewed on the smartphone or on devices that interact with it, such as a smartwatch. Thus, the reaction of the maintenance team is faster, contributing to the improvement of indicators such as the MTTR (mean time to repair).
Currently, the WEG Digital Notify App is available for the WEG Motion Fleet Management and will soon be available for other digital solutions, such as the WEG Smart Machine. To use the App, the user must have a login on the WEG Motion Fleet Management.

This and other features recently implemented show WEG’s commitment to keeping the continuous evolution of its digital solutions. To learn more about the WEG Motion Fleet Management, watch the webinar.

Download the app at:

Google Play – Android

App Store – iOS



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