Image: WEG turbogenerator set in final stage of installation
With solutions for the most diverse segments and for a wide variety of applications, WEG supplied equipment to the company 3tentos, which is a soy processing company for the production of biodiesel and animal feed. The 5.5 MW turbogenerator manufactured by TGM, a WEG Group company, will supply steam to the customer’s production process at two pressure levels and will also be generating electricity for the plant operation.
Besides the turbogenerator, WEG has also supplied the generation’s complete electrical package, including a 7,000 kVA, 13.8/23.1 kV step-up transformer; a 7,500 kVA, 13.8 kV, 1,800 rpm ST41 generator; and the entire switching, protection and control system, consisting of a set of MTW-03 MV panels, LV panels, rectifiers, and an ECW500 voltage regulator, ensuring safe and integrated operation to the plant, fully designed by WEG as manufacturer of the main thermoelectric equipment.
This is a key step for 3tentos since he did not count on his own power supply, causing significant expenses with electricity bills. With this WEG solution, the excess energy can be sold generating income for the customer. In addition, the solution provides operational safety as this industry will no longer suffer from utilities power supply problems.
“Counting on high-efficiency equipment in its plant, this is for the customer a factor that leads its business to be recognized not only as a large biodiesel and feed manufacturer, but also as a renewable and sustainable energy generation industry”, says Paulo Sinoti, WEG Energy Business Director.
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