WEG motors equip Multinational Cement Industry in Colombia
Solution with Master line motor will increase efficiency and reduce downtime for maintenance
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ips Blog Cement, Colombia, equip, Industry, motors, Multinational, WEG 0
Solution with Master line motor will increase efficiency and reduce downtime for maintenance
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ips Blog efficiency, Energy Efficiency, Energy Savings, increases, Industry, Large Electric Motors, Metals, plant, production, solution, Variable Speed Drives, WEG 0
Creating efficient and increasingly sustainable products is one of WEG’s commitments. With this focus in mind the company supplied a package of products to help increase the efficiency and production of the metals plant Bocaiuva – RIMA Industrial S.A, located in the state of Minas Gerais, Brazil. The package includes an electric motor, a variable frequency drive and a motor control center.
Within the supply package, the WEG 1500 HP, 8 poles, 60 Hz, 4160 V, frame size 500 Master line motor will be driving the exhaust of the oven dedusting system. Standing out for its electrical and mechanical design flexibility and high performance, the motor complies with international standards requirements in addition to being in line with world trends. Interchangeable with the existing motors is another feature of this product, allowing further replacement with other electric motors, whenever required.
The motor will be fully controlled by the WEG MVW 3000 frequency drive in terms of load variations and speed modulation resulting in energy savings for the customer. The WEG MVW 3000 frequency drive was designed to drive, protect and monitor all types of applications, including the critical with high output power requirements such as large mining machines driven by one or multiple motors in load sharing.
Designed with state-of-the-art components and supported by a high performance and powerful focused engineering, the variable frequency drive provides reliable system operation and major equipment availability to the user, meeting the highest quality standards expected by the world industry.
This supply strengthens the expertise and quality of WEG products for the steel industrial segment. In addition, the choice of WEG products provides the customer with all technical support and after-sales service for greater operational reliability for the equipment.
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ips Blog Brazil, electric, equipment, generation, Generators, Industry, largest, Power, sector, sugarenergy, supplies, Turbines, WEG 0
WEG will supply the largest backpressure steam turbine and the largest 4-pole generator in the Brazilian sugar-energy industry for Cerradão power plant. This is considered the world´s largest backpressure turbine in the sugar-energy sector.
Including a 60 MW backpressure BT steam turbine, a SuperTurbo gearbox, a 66.7 MVA, 4-pole, 13,800 V, 1800 rpm, 60 Hz ST generator and a complete protection, control and monitoring system with cabinets, panels, battery system and chargers, the contract will generate revenues of approximately R$ 15 million (approx. US$ 3 million) for WEG.
The BT turbine has the capacity to generate over 330 t/h of steam at 65 bar/520 degrees C, and will supply the plant process with two steam outlets, one medium pressure outlet and one low pressure exhaust. Scheduled to be delivered in December 2021, the equipment will be installed in the plant’s energy generation process, allowing the operation to be more robust, flexible and profitable.
As stated by Paulo Sinoti, WEG Energy Business Director, in addition to consolidating WEG as one of the main suppliers of equipment for the sugar-energy industry sector, this supply evidences the customer’s preference and trust in our products and services. “Cerradão power plant is already our customers list and has two turbogenerators in operation in the same plant”, says Paulo.
Cerradão power plant is located in the Frutal region, in the state of Minas Gerais since 2008. A power plant of 84 MW/h and installed capacity of 105 MW provides enough energy for approximately 230,000 people. With this investment, the Power Plant expects a significant increase in energy generation and a return on invested capital of approximately three years.
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ips Blog Energy Efficiency, equipment, Generators, Industry, Power Generation, processing, Renewable Energy, soybean, supplies, Sustainability, WEG 0
Image: WEG turbogenerator set in final stage of installation
With solutions for the most diverse segments and for a wide variety of applications, WEG supplied equipment to the company 3tentos, which is a soy processing company for the production of biodiesel and animal feed. The 5.5 MW turbogenerator manufactured by TGM, a WEG Group company, will supply steam to the customer’s production process at two pressure levels and will also be generating electricity for the plant operation.
Besides the turbogenerator, WEG has also supplied the generation’s complete electrical package, including a 7,000 kVA, 13.8/23.1 kV step-up transformer; a 7,500 kVA, 13.8 kV, 1,800 rpm ST41 generator; and the entire switching, protection and control system, consisting of a set of MTW-03 MV panels, LV panels, rectifiers, and an ECW500 voltage regulator, ensuring safe and integrated operation to the plant, fully designed by WEG as manufacturer of the main thermoelectric equipment.
This is a key step for 3tentos since he did not count on his own power supply, causing significant expenses with electricity bills. With this WEG solution, the excess energy can be sold generating income for the customer. In addition, the solution provides operational safety as this industry will no longer suffer from utilities power supply problems.
“Counting on high-efficiency equipment in its plant, this is for the customer a factor that leads its business to be recognized not only as a large biodiesel and feed manufacturer, but also as a renewable and sustainable energy generation industry”, says Paulo Sinoti, WEG Energy Business Director.
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ips Blog 5G, Connectivity, CPQD, evaluation, IIoT, Industry, Industry 4.0, IoT, networks, private, private networks, support, tests, WEG 0
Analyze, from a technical and economical point of view, the use of private 5G networks technology in the Industry 4.0. This is the purpose of the agreement recently signed between CPQD (Research and Development Center) and the partners who have been conducting the Open Lab 5G project: Brazilian Agency for Industrial Development (ABDI), Anatel and WEG / V2COM Group.
The starting point for this project was a technical cooperation agreement, signed in November, between Anatel and ABDI, with a focus on conducting tests of private 5G networks in industrial production areas. The first trial test is taking place in one of WEG’s factories, located in Jaraguá do Sul, state of Santa Catarina, where CPQD will be providing consulting services and technical analysis (performance) and economic viability of this application.
“The objective is to evaluate different connectivity solutions to be used in Industry 4.0”, says Gustavo Correa Lima, leader of the Wireless Communications Platform at CPQD. “This includes benchmarking between public and private 5G networks and comparing these solutions with other connectivity technologies, both wired and wireless, such as Wi-Fi and fiber optics,” he explains.
The place where the tests will be carried out is one of the most robotized factories with the highest level of automation and monitoring of WEG’s shop floor. As stated by Guilherme Spina, director of V2COM, a WEG Group company, this real operating factory will allow to test more than one 5G network. “We will have different network architecture implementations, one conventional and one virtualized, and we will also test antennas and 5G devices using millimeter waves, as well as sub 6 GHz. These tests will provide data and information to Anatel to support the process of defining requirements and conditions for the use of frequency bands for the regulation and authorization of private networks for industrial use”, says Guilherme.
Expected to be concluded within seven months, the project to be carried out in partnership with CPQD should also generate data for new types of business, considering different environments, which may help companies in other economic segments.
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ips Blog Branch, Electric Motors, Fully interchangeable, Industry, Large Electric Motors, Mining, reliable, Russia, Slip Ring Motors, solutions, steps, WEG 0
This is another important supply made by the WEG´s Russian Commercial Operation (WRU) for the customer PJSC Polyus Gold, in the Magadan Region, the largest gold producer in Russia.
The scope of supply included a pair of Slip Ring Motors of 9000 KW at 1000rpm, and another two motors of 7500 KW also at 1000rpm and fully designed to be interchangeable with the old existing motors providing a smooth drop-in replacement.
The motors will be applied, in pairs, at huge SAG and Ball mills that operate through dual pinion drive summing their power to each mill.
Historically, the customer was facing a troublesome operation due to a number of different reasons such as mechanical fits, overheating of antifriction bearings and electrical overload events.
With prompt attention to the customer, the WEG team evaluated different options in order to offer the most reliable product. A robust design of slip ring rotor motors was recommended including reliable features such as fixed or liftable brushes, internal or external slip ring chamber and different series of sleeve bearings or antifriction bearing in oil bath.
The final design was approved after customer inspection at WEG headquarters facilities in Brazil and a technical visit to a cooper mine in Chile where similar WEG motors are successfully operating.
A key factor for this project was the local WEG specialists in the market providing fast response to the customer and listening carefully to the customer needs.
The WEG Slip Ring Mining motors were designed in such a way to allow another technical key factor for this project where they can operate both as a slip ring motor or as an induction motor fed by inverter when the temperature is very cold (-50°C) and the ore inside the mills gets frozen and then the mills speed can be automatically controlled.
The electric motors were delivered in July 2020. Due to sanitary restrictions, the commissioning was postponed to December and work was carried out from November 15 to December 23, 2020.
PJSC Polyus is the largest gold producer in Russia and is among the top 10 gold producers globally with one of the lowest cost profiles.
The Company also holds the world’s third largest gold reserves with 61 million ounces of proven and probable gold reserves underpinning its strong growth profile.
Polyus´ main operations are located in Krasnoyarsk Territory, Irkutsk Region, Magadan Region (Natalka) and the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) and include 5 operating mines, alluvial operations and several advanced development projects.
The target for Natalka is 1200 tons of ore per hour, and the average in 2019 was 1400 tons per hour. In the fourth quarter, hourly productivity usually exceeded 1500 tons!
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ips Blog 5G, Connectivity, IIoT, Industry, Industry 4.0, IoT, network, Nokia, partner, private, private networks, project, standalone, WEGs 0
WEG has just announced that Nokia is taking part of the ‘Open Lab WEG / V2COM’ project to accelerate and develop Industry 4.0 solutions in the country with Nokia Digital Automation Cloud (DAC) platform.
As Pioneer, Open Lab WEG / V2COM is conducted in partnership with the Brazilian Agency for Industrial Development (ABDI) and Anatel, and will use Nokia DAC solution to validate the quality and economic model of the solutions to be developed under the project.
Nokia’s automation platform ensures a reliable, high-bandwidth, low-latency private network with local edge computing resources, voice and video services, as well as an application catalog. It is a compact and easy to implement the platform, consisting of network equipment, a cloud-based operation monitoring system and industrial connectors that facilitate standard and specific protocol connectivity for the industrial segment.
Expected to be concluded within a year, the project is being developed in a real production environment, in one of WEG’s factories, in Jaraguá do Sul, state of Santa Catarina. The results will contribute to Anatel’s studies on regulation of 5G private networks for business uses.
The factory will serve as a laboratory, in which a private 5G network will be tested simultaneously with a conventional network of an operating company. Several practical and advanced cases of Industry 4.0 will be developed to identify productivity gains that the solution may bring, allowing to consolidate consistent models to be applied in industrial automation projects.
Considering the technology progress after the pandemic period and favorable conditions of use of 5G network, two radio frequencies will be evaluated: one, below 6-gigahertz (GHz), and the other, higher, between 27.5 GHz and 27.9 GHz. An independent research institute will do all required performance analysis.
As stated by Guilherme Spina, Director of V2Com at WEG: “The 5G project at the WEG plant will bring the possibility not only of supporting official studies for the use of technology in Brazil, but will also accelerate the development and testing of WEG / V2COM products and solutions for our customers ”.
Marcelo Entreconti, Nokia Head of Enterprise for Latin America, says: “Our project with WEG is the latest example of the use of Nokia’s 5G private networks to leverage, as a leading supplier and technological partner, the level of Industry 4.0 in Brazil. With our technology, we bring increased productivity to several economy sectors. We are committed to Industry demands, from the training of people, such as our project with Open Lab Senai, as well as the development of case studies such as those being tested and applied by WEG “.
With more than 220 large corporate customers worldwide – where more than 30 adopt 5G – and an extensive ecosystem of key partners, Nokia has recently been named a leader in private wireless networks by GlobalData.
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