WEG will be the electric traction system supplier for the world’s first electric pusher boats, which will be built by the integrated logistics solutions company, Hidrovias do Brasil S.A. Signed through the Brazilian Belov Shipyard, which is responsible for the construction of the boats, the contract includes solutions for two pusher units. Both boats should start operating in 2022 in the Amazon river, with a positive sustainable impact to the river transportation system.
The technology aims at reducing the emission of pollutant gases in the atmosphere by replacing the conventional marine diesel propulsion system with hybrid generation with electric batteries, without affecting efficiency and with the possibility of using renewable power supply. With the operation of these pusher boats, the atmosphere will no longer receive about 2168 tons of CO2 (carbon dioxide) a year, which is equivalent to 472 cars circulating on the road.
The choice of electric pusher boats for this project was strategic since these boats operate continuously with high emission of pollutant gases, and always operating close to the port and the population, stressing the need of using a cleaner energy source.
“This supply expands the diversity of boats equipped with WEG solutions for the marine application, in addition to representing a key step towards the supply of sustainable solutions that contribute for the reduction of pollutant emission”, says Manfred Peter Johann, Managing Director of WEG Automation Business Unit.
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