WEG is among the best reputation companies list in Brazil
Award recognizes Brazilian companies and business leaders with best reputation in the country
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ips Blog among, Brazil, Companies, list, reputation, WEG 0
Award recognizes Brazilian companies and business leaders with best reputation in the country
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ips Blog among, Companies, ESG, included, WEG 0
This award conducted by Exame magazine recognizes the companies with best performance on Environment, Social and Corporate Governance initiatives
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ips Blog Awards, Brazil, Companies, Electric Mobilty, Energy Efficiency, Innovation, innovative, Management, Renewable Energy, Sustainability, Top, WEG 0
The National Confederation of Industry (CNI) and the Brazilian Support Service for Micro and Small Companies (Sebrae) announced on March 8 the results of the seventh edition of the National Innovation Award, sponsored by the Funding Authority for Studies and Projects (Finep). WEG was honored with the Award in the Innovation Management – Large Company category.
This is the largest innovation award in the country, promoted to encourage and recognize the efforts of organizations with operations in Brazil. Intended for industrial companies and small businesses from all sectors and innovation ecosystems around the country, the Award had 11,300 applicants. From this number of applicants, forty-four organizations were finalists, and fifteen companies that had three innovation ecosystems projects were recognized.
The award’s evaluation methodology followed an international standard and was updated according to the new guidelines of the fourth edition of Oslo Manual. The registered organizations underwent stages of evaluation, validation (in this virtual edition), and judging panels to be selected as finalists and winners.
From WEG’s Global Director of Engineering and Technological Innovation, Rodrigo Fumo, “It is a great honor to receive recognition for the research, development and innovation work that has been carried out by WEG continuously, even at challenging time periods such as this pandemic. In recent years, WEG has invested an average of 2.7% of its revenue in research and development initiatives. In 2021, 55.7% of the company’s revenue was generated with products developed within five years. Ranked among the most innovative companies in Brazil is the recognition of a global joint effort including employees, partners, customers and suppliers dedicated to innovation.”
Picture: Rodrigo Fumo, WEG’s Global Director of Engineering and Technological Innovation, receiving the trophy at the awarding ceremony that took place at Casa Natura Musical, in São Paulo.
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ips Blog Awards, Carreer, Companies, Employess, HR, LinkedIn, list, opportunities, Professional Growth, Top, WEG 0
WEG is included in the 2021 LinkedIn Top Companies List, which annually ranks the companies that offer the best opportunities for professional growth. The LinkedIn News team performs a yearly detailed analysis of the platform’s data to track the career journey of millions of people worldwide. This information is used to create the list as a reference for professionals at all career stages.
The select list of LinkedIn Top Companies is created exclusively with data from LinkedIn’s 740 million users worldwide and helps professionals to identify companies that give the best consideration for their employees, as well as providing information to guide their professional development.
Today, WEG´s LinkedIn page is one of the main communication channels of the company with a wide range of stakeholders, both in Brazil and overseas, with an extensive package of information such as supplies, solutions, company culture and values, and social initiatives with the community, which strengthens WEG’s transparency and consideration for people.
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ips Blog Awards, Brazil, Companies, Corporate Governance, Corporate Reputation, included, list, reputation, WEG 0
WEG was the Capital Goods sector highlight in the MERCO 2020 Corporate Reputation Business Ranking, conducted by Consultoria Merco and audited by KPMG.
In addition to ranking the companies with the best reputation in 36 different business areas, the survey also points out the 100 business leaders with best reputation in the country. Harry Schmelzer Jr., CEO of WEG takes part of this list of executives.
The survey is created with a collection of responses from over 2000 people who are divided into groups including general public, financial analysts, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), unions, consumer associations, financial journalists, university professors, government representatives and social media leaders, and also Merco Digital, with evaluation of its channels and social media.
Complete result of MERCO 2020 Corporate Reputation Business Ranking was published by Revista Exame.
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ips Blog Amazonas, Community, Companies, COVID-19, Group, initiative, social responsibility, solidarity, support, Sustainability, united 0
Due to the serious health crisis faced by the state of Amazonas caused by the impact of the new coronavirus pandemic, 15 large companies and institutions from Brazil got together to implement a solidarity initiative with the objective of supporting that northern region.
The group will donate to the United Against Covid-19 program (unidos.fiocruz.br) of Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (Fiocruz) the amount of R$ 1.6 million, including an oxygen production plant, which should give support to public hospitals in the region.
To this day, the Foundation has already donated five of these plants, with the support of the private sector.
The group of companies, named “Grupo Juntos pelo Amazonas”, has the participation of Ambev, BNP Paribas, BRF, Coca-Cola Brasil, Grupo + Unidos, Magalu, Mercado Livre, Nestlé Brasil, Petrobras, Sesc, SulAmérica, WEG, Whirlpool, XP Inc. and Yamaha.
The initiative of these companies counts on the institutional support of Eletros – National Association of Electronic Product Manufacturers, which offered their support for the creation of the group.
The commitment of the companies in this “Grupo Juntos pelo Amazonas” initiative consists of the donation of financial resources for the acquisition of machines and accessories for the new plant, which has one of the most advanced technologies applied to this type of equipment and has the capacity of serving a hospital with 12 intensive care beds and 80 regular hospital and emergency care beds simultaneously.
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ips Blog Building & Infrastructure, Companies, Construction, ideal, Infrastructure, partner, reasons, WEG 0
Combining expertise and innovation, WEG´s main goal is to continually provide top quality products and efficient solutions for the customers. That is why WEG stands out as an ideal partner for construction companies. Combining expertise and innovation, WEG´s main goal is to continually provide top quality products and efficient solutions for the customers. That is why WEG stands out as an ideal partner for construction companies.
The following are some reasons proving that, by entering into a partnership with WEG, your business will be highly benefited.
We know how much the builders usually face problems with the lack of products on the market. But with WEG, your builder is guaranteed to always have the products you need for prompt delivery. With 47 factories located in 12 countries, WEG manages to manufacture its products ever closer to its customers. With a strong structure available to meet customers´ demands, you have not only the necessary quantity of products, but also the quality you want.
If the lack of products on the market is already a problem that many construction companies have to face, finding quality products is another even more serious task. If you face such problem, remember that WEG can offer you recognized quality products. In addition to that, the Company is committed to developing products in accordance with international quality parameters. Proof of this is a package of Management System certifications evidencing the Company quality such as: IATF 16949, IEC 60079, ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 50001, ISO 45001 and OHSAS 18001.
WEG has a well-distributed network of Commercial Operations located in 36 countries and Distributors in over 120 countries to serve the construction companies at any time and for any need they may have.
Another differential of WEG is that the Company technical personnel is available to support builders with engineered solutions such as low and high voltage standard motors, special feature motors based on customer’s needs, panels, SKID mobile substations, special paints, among others.
Starting the business 60 years, WEG has built a global market coverage with Manufacturing Sites in 12 countries, Commercial Operations in 36 countries and Distributors in over 120 countries. With consistent and sustainable growth along its history, WEG has expanded the business globally with technical expertise and solid experience in such a way the company can provide today products and package solutions for all market segments in the industry.
In addition to decades of experience and reputation in the market, reliability is another reason that makes WEG as an ideal partner for construction companies. With broad market credibility, prompt service support, and commitment to its initiatives, WEG has built long-term partnerships focused on improving customers´ satisfaction.
WEG is fully committed to sustainability, ethics and integrity initiatives. For this reason, WEG’s Operations are guided by the search for continuous and sustainable growth, development of innovative solutions that cause low environmental impact and values such as transparency and interaction with local communities.
Another major reason that makes WEG an ideal partner for construction companies is its complete product portfolio offered to the market. WEG´s strategy that is structured in five main business divisions allows the Company to offer a wide range of products for different customers´ needs including: Motors and Gearboxes: industrial, commercial, appliance, gearboxes and geared motors; Automation Technologies: drives, soft-starters, controls, panels; Power Generation: wind, solar, thermal and hydro power); Transmission and Distribution: power and distribution transformers, substations, power reactors; Coatings: industrial liquid and powder paints and insulating varnishes.
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ips Blog among, Awards, Best practices, Companies, Market, Stock, Stock market, WEG, WEGE3 0
WEG was one of the winners of the “Best Companies on the Stock Market” award, created by InfoMoney in partnership with Economatica and Ibmec, to recognize the publicly-held companies with the best results during the year.
The ranking analyzed Brazilian companies with shares listed on the stock market according to the profitability and performance of the share, taking into account the financial results and corporate governance practices of the last three years.
WEG reached the 1st place in the Industrial Goods category. In total, nine companies were awarded with best practices in 2020 for the metrics created in association with Economatica and Ibmec.
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ips Blog among, Best practices, Companies, Corporate Governance, included, Index, Stock market, Sustainability, sustainable, WEG, WEGE3 0
B3 – Brazil Stock Exchange announced today the composition of the 16th Corporate Sustainability Index portfolio (ISE) and WEG, for the 11th time, was selected as the only representative for the Machinery and Equipment sector.
Companies holding the 200 most liquid shares in B3 were invited to take part of the ISE B3 process. From this number of companies, 46 shares held by 39 companies in 15 business sectors were selected for the 2021 portfolio. Together, these companies represent R$ 1.8 trillion in market value, 38% of the total market value of companies with shares traded on B3, based on the closing of November 25th, 2020.
In addition to the responses to the questionnaire, the selection process also relies on an analysis of the documents submitted by the companies to support the information provided and also with a final deliberation conducted by the ISE Deliberative Council, CISE. The technical management of this process is carried out by B3, with KPMG´s assurance.
The index was created in 2005 and has since then shown an increase of 294.73% against 245.06% of Ibovespa (B3’s main reference index). According to B3, this year there was a 69% increase of participating companies in the process if compared to last year, evidencing the importance ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) has been gaining.
The inclusion of WEGE3 shares in the Corporate Sustainability Index portfolio, which has been occurring consistently for some years (9th consecutive year), stresses the Company’s commitment with best practices for a sustainable development. The new ISE portfolio will be valid from January 4, 2021 to December 30, 2021.
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