WEG holds the 8th Annual WEG Day
Held virtually, the event brought together investors and market analysts from Brazil and abroad.
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ips Blog 8th, Annual, Day, holds, Investor Relations, Stock market, WEG, WEG Day, WEGE3 0
Held virtually, the event brought together investors and market analysts from Brazil and abroad.
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ips Blog activity, Best practices, Corporate Governance, economic, global, growth, Improved, Investor Relations, Management, revenue, ROIC, Stock market, supporting, WEGE3 0
We report another quarter of good performance in our businesses, marked by continued good demand in the domestic market and by accelerated industrial activity in the main countries where we operate in the external market.
In Brazil, we observed solid demand after the consistent recovery in recent quarters. We highlight the short-cycle businesses growth in areas such as Commercial and Appliance Motors, Industrial Electro-Electronic Equipment, and in particular, the distributed solar generation (GD) business. The maintenance of the long-cycle business, mainly in the GTD area, also made an essential contribution to this result, especially the return of wind generation projects revenue.
In the external market, the recovery of global industrial activity confirmed the signs of improvement reported in the last quarter. We posted significant growth in revenue in the main markets in which we operate, especially in mining, oil & gas, and water & wastewater segments. In addition to the Industrial Electro-Electronic Equipment businesses, we also highlight the good performance of the Commercial and Appliance Motors and Power Transmission and Distribution (T&D) areas, with sales growth and increased share in important markets.
It is worth noting that in this quarter, we recorded tax credits referring to the exclusion of ICMS from the PIS and COFINS calculation basis, according to the material fact disclosed on June 22, 2021. The EBITDA and net income were positively impacted by R$ 300.4 million and R$ 282.8 million, respectively.
We remain confident in our strategy to overcome this challenging period, working to protect and promote the health and safety of all employees and minimize, as much as possible, impacts on our operations.
Click here and access the full earnigs release.
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ips Blog Best practices, company, Corporate Governance, Investor Relations, Management, Market, Profitability, ranked, Stock, Stock market, WEG, WEGE3 0
WEG was the big winner of the “The Best Companies on the Stock Market” Award, created by InfoMoney and StockPickers, based on a ranking prepared by Ibmec and Economatica. WEG was awarded in the categories “Best Company on the Stock Market” and “Best in the Capital Goods Sector”.
The ranking analyzed Brazilian companies with shares traded on the stock exchange according to their profitability and performance, taking into account financial results and corporate governance practices from the last three years.
The online awarding ceremony was held last night, June 30, 2021 – broadcast on InfoMoney’s Youtube webpage – and counted on the special participation of the WEG Executive President, Harry Schmelzer Jr., who pointed out the company´s evolution and competitive advantages. Mediator Renato Santiago, co-founder of Stock Pickers, and Sara Delfin, Manager of Dahlia, have also participated on the ceremony.
“Best corporate governance and ESG practices, innovation, geographic diversification, diversified product and service portfolio, financial flexibility, investment on people and operational excellence were some of the highlights that have allowed WEG to be a solid and successful company over these years”, said Harry Schmelzer Jr.
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ips Blog among, Awards, Best practices, Companies, Market, Stock, Stock market, WEG, WEGE3 0
WEG was one of the winners of the “Best Companies on the Stock Market” award, created by InfoMoney in partnership with Economatica and Ibmec, to recognize the publicly-held companies with the best results during the year.
The ranking analyzed Brazilian companies with shares listed on the stock market according to the profitability and performance of the share, taking into account the financial results and corporate governance practices of the last three years.
WEG reached the 1st place in the Industrial Goods category. In total, nine companies were awarded with best practices in 2020 for the metrics created in association with Economatica and Ibmec.
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ips Blog among, Best practices, Companies, Corporate Governance, included, Index, Stock market, Sustainability, sustainable, WEG, WEGE3 0
B3 – Brazil Stock Exchange announced today the composition of the 16th Corporate Sustainability Index portfolio (ISE) and WEG, for the 11th time, was selected as the only representative for the Machinery and Equipment sector.
Companies holding the 200 most liquid shares in B3 were invited to take part of the ISE B3 process. From this number of companies, 46 shares held by 39 companies in 15 business sectors were selected for the 2021 portfolio. Together, these companies represent R$ 1.8 trillion in market value, 38% of the total market value of companies with shares traded on B3, based on the closing of November 25th, 2020.
In addition to the responses to the questionnaire, the selection process also relies on an analysis of the documents submitted by the companies to support the information provided and also with a final deliberation conducted by the ISE Deliberative Council, CISE. The technical management of this process is carried out by B3, with KPMG´s assurance.
The index was created in 2005 and has since then shown an increase of 294.73% against 245.06% of Ibovespa (B3’s main reference index). According to B3, this year there was a 69% increase of participating companies in the process if compared to last year, evidencing the importance ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) has been gaining.
The inclusion of WEGE3 shares in the Corporate Sustainability Index portfolio, which has been occurring consistently for some years (9th consecutive year), stresses the Company’s commitment with best practices for a sustainable development. The new ISE portfolio will be valid from January 4, 2021 to December 30, 2021.
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