WEG announces expansion investments in Betim, Brazil
The investments will allow the company to increase production capacity in products and solutions to the transmission and distribution market
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ips Blog announces, Betim, Brazil, Expansion, Investments, WEG 0
The investments will allow the company to increase production capacity in products and solutions to the transmission and distribution market
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ips Blog build, electric, Electric Motors, Expansion, Explosive Atmospheres, factory, Investments, Manufacturing Sites, motor, Portugal, WEG 0
WEG has just announced the construction of a new electric motor factory in Santo Tirso, Portugal. The company intends to invest 23.5 million euros to build 22,600 m² of manufacturing facilities on the same area where WEG already has a 16,300 m² low voltage industrial motor factory.
WEG´s plan with the new unit is to expand the production of large electric motors and transfer its factory located in Maia to Santo Tirso, centralizing all operations in a single manufacturing site.
“We are not only making investments to increase production capacity, but also improving our operations in Portugal. In addition to moving the production of medium and high voltage, explosion-proof motors, electrical panels, automation solutions and service support to Santo Tirso, we are also planning to increase electrical motors range for larger sizes in the country”, says Alberto Kuba, Managing Director of WEG Motores – Industrial Business Unit. As stated by Alberto, this is a strategic investment and represents a very important step for WEG’s business expansion in the European market.
The new factory in Santo Tirso should start operating in the first quarter of 2024 and will allow creation of around 100 new jobs.
WEG started its own operations in Portugal in 2002 with the purchase of an electric motor factory in Maia. In 2015, the company started the construction of a new electric motor factory in Santo Tirso, 24 kilometers away from Maia. This unit was inaugurated in 2018 and incorporates a verticalized production line that counts on machining processes, rotor manufacturing, winding, assembly and dedicated electrical testing laboratories. Currently WEG employs more than 700 people in Portugal.
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ips Blog announces, Appliances, Brazil, Expansion, Investments, Linhares, million, WEG 0
WEG has just announced new investments for its existing electric motor factory in the city of Linhares, state of Espírito Santo, Brazil. The Company´s investment plan up to 2023 is in the range of R$ 178.2 million for the modernization and expansion of the production capacity of electric motors.
As stated by Julio Cesar Ramires, Managing Director of WEG´s Commercial and Appliance Motor Business Unit, this investment, in addition to being a recognized competitive advantage, will also contribute to continuing WEG’s path of continuous and sustainable growth.
“The Linhares industrial park was designed to allow for the gradual and continuous increase in production capacity and meet the company’s expansion plan for the coming years. Thanks to the favorable business initiatives created by the government of Espirito Santo, we have managed to maintain our growth strategy. When we started operations in Linhares in 2010, we had 420 employees and counted on 20,000 square meters of manufacturing facilities. Today the number of employees went up to approximately 3000, with more than 65,000 square meters of manufacturing facilities, while our daily production capacity increased 10 times in this period“, says Júlio.
With this new investment, WEG intends to expand the manufacturing facilities structure in Linhares to 79,000 square meters and hire 250 new employees over the next two years. This Manufacturing Operation became the company’s second largest industrial park in Brazil.
Since August 2009, when deciding to move to Linhares, WEG already invested R$ 257.7 million in that industrial park.
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ips Blog announces, Appliances, Brazil, Expansion, Investments, Linhares, million, WEG 0
WEG has just announced new investments for its existing electric motor factory in the city of Linhares, state of Espírito Santo, Brazil. The Company´s investment plan up to 2023 is in the range of R$ 178.2 million for the modernization and expansion of the production capacity of electric motors.
As stated by Julio Cesar Ramires, Managing Director of WEG´s Commercial and Appliance Motor Business Unit, this investment, in addition to being a recognized competitive advantage, will also contribute to continuing WEG’s path of continuous and sustainable growth.
“The Linhares industrial park was designed to allow for the gradual and continuous increase in production capacity and meet the company’s expansion plan for the coming years. Thanks to the favorable business initiatives created by the government of Espirito Santo, we have managed to maintain our growth strategy. When we started operations in Linhares in 2010, we had 420 employees and counted on 20,000 square meters of manufacturing facilities. Today the number of employees went up to approximately 3000, with more than 65,000 square meters of manufacturing facilities, while our daily production capacity increased 10 times in this period“, says Júlio.
With this new investment, WEG intends to expand the manufacturing facilities structure in Linhares to 79,000 square meters and hire 250 new employees over the next two years. This Manufacturing Operation became the company’s second largest industrial park in Brazil.
Since August 2009, when deciding to move to Linhares, WEG already invested R$ 257.7 million in that industrial park.
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ips Blog Expansion, Investments, Manufacturing Sites, office, opens, Russia, sales, Siberia, Subsidiary, WEG, WRU 0
WRU is proud to announce that it is increasing its footprint in the country by opening another office located in Novosibirsk, the largest city and administrative center of the southwestern Siberia. The new office is a consequence of the continued organic growth and development of WEG across Russia and Central Asia.
This new office allows WRU to offer improved customers support in the region where over 200 large industrial enterprises are headquartered. The office structure also provides additional space for training, customer meetings and commercial operations, bringing the full range of cutting-edge products, solutions and services closer to the growing customer base in the region.
“Over the last years we have seen significant growth in the scale and operation of our business in Russia as we move closer to industrial sites and into newer industry levels like predictive monitoring and preventive maintenance service, along with digital transformation solutions that drive better operational efficiencies across industries. Founded in 1961, WEG celebrates its 60th anniversary this year, so I am particularly proud to congratulate the whole subsidiary team for the great journey we have made”, says WRU Managing Director, Sergey Mushchenko.
The opening of Novosibirsk office is also supported by a newly created team of qualified engineers, area managers and regional representatives looking forward to promptly responding to customer needs and providing accurate and informed technical support, field service and supply management. “I am quite motivated about joining WEG and I look forward to leading our Siberian operations and expanding the use of WEG innovative technology in the Russian industry,” says Dmitry Skurnyagin, regional manager for Siberia and the Far East of Russia.
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ips Blog 5th, America, Expansion, factory, Investments, Manufacturing Sites, North, opens, transformer, Transformers, WEG 0
WEG announces the establishment of its new transformer plant in the United States. Located in Washington, state of Missouri, where the company already counts on two other factories in operation since 2017, the new manufacturing plant had investments in the range of US$17 million and will be dedicated to the production of power transformers up to 10 MVA and voltage up to 46 kV.
As stated by Carlos Diether Prinz, Managing Director of WEG T&D, the new plant is part of the Company’s strategy to expand its production capacity to supply the North American industrial market. “With this new structure, we will allow WEG to be incorporated into the transformers market called Large Step-Up/Down Pad-Mounted Transformers, Secondary Unit Sub-Station Transformers and Small Power Transformers, with a focus on industrial customers, and substantially increase our production capacity of transformers used by the traditional electric energy utilities and by the electric energy generation parks through renewable sources, such as wind and solar”, says Mr. Prinz.
Equipped with state-of-the-art machinery and modern processes and handling systems, the new manufacturing plant counts on 14,700 square meters of manufacturing facilities, on a 54,400 square meters of available area.
WEG has four other transformer plants in North America, two in the United States and two in Mexico. In terms of workforce, the company employs 1290 people in these five operations dedicated to the energy transmission and distribution segment in that region. “Our manufacturing plants are strategically located geographically, allowing us to offer a wide range of transformers up to 500 MVA – 550 kV not only for the North American market, but also for Central America”, explains Mr. Prinz.
WEG serves additional strategic Transmission and Distribution markets from seven other manufacturing plants located in Brazil, Colombia and South Africa.
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ips Blog acquires, Brazil, business, Expansion, instrument, Investments, Itajubá, Manufacturing Sites, measuring, sets, Transformers, WEG 0
WEG S.A. (B3: WEGE3 / OTC: WEGZY) announces to its shareholders and the general market that it has signed an agreement for the acquisition of the entire capital stock of Balteau Produtos Elétricos Ltda., a manufacturer of instrument transformers and measuring sets located in Itajubá, Minas Gerais State, Brazil.
Traditional company in its segment, with long history operating in Brazil, Balteau has a manufacturing site of 11,800 m² with state-of-the-art equipment and facilities. With a workforce of 350 employees, the company specializes in the design, manufacturing, electrical testing, and technical services of current transformers and capacitive voltage transformers up to 550 kV, inductive voltage transformers up to 145kV, and measurement sets up to 36kV, products currently not part of WEG portfolio. Net revenue in 2020 was R$ 121.7 million.
“With this acquisition, WEG will complement its position as a solution provider for energy transmission and distribution infrastructure projects and improve its scope of products and solutions related to the energy generation, transmission, and distribution (GTD) segment”, explains Carlos Diether Prinz, WEG Transmission & Distribution Managing Director.
The transaction is subject to certain conditions and approval from the local competition authorities (CADE – Administrative Council for Economic Defense).
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ips Blog 2nd, Awards, company, Corporate Governance, Investments, Investor Relations, performing, shareholders, Sustainability, WEG, WEGE3 0
WEG is among the best placed companies in the Broadcast Empresas 2021 Award, prepared by Agência Estado in partnership with investment platform Economática. The company was ranked 2nd among 206 companies, with shares traded on B3, which generated the best performance for shareholders. In addition, the company was also awarded in the special “Sustainability” category.
Companies with net asset above R$ 10 million have participated in the ranking, which disclosed their balance sheets within the term provided by law and which are up to date with their creditors within the analyzed period. Now on its 21st edition and carried out annually, the Ranking evaluated seven indicators usually considered by investors and financial market executives: variation in equity profitability; payment of dividends referred to equity; price/profit index (PL); share price/book value (P/VPA); share price fluctuation; stock market volatility; and share liquidity.
The ten companies with the best performance for their shareholders in the year 2020 were announced today, July 13, at 9:00 am, in an online event held by Agência Estado and broadcast on the Broadcast page on YouTube. The awarding ceremony counted on the special participation of WEG´s CFO, André Luis Rodrigues, who spoke about the recovery of the economy in the post-pandemic period. Other executives including Luciano Siani, CFO of Vale; Ilan Goldfajn, former President of Brazil´s Central Bank and Fábio Alves, Broadcast Journalist also took part of the event.
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ips Blog announces, Automation, Brazil, e-houses, Expansion, Investments, Manufacturing Sites, WEG 0
WEG has just announced the installation of a new manufacturing site in the city of Betim, state of Minas Gerais. Focused on the production of E-houses for solar and industrial generation, the new operation counts on 5000 square meters of manufacturing facilities and will generate 100 new jobs in the next three years. “We are the largest manufacturer of electric E-houses in Latin America and this operation will be an important part of our productive capacity in the coming years. It will also strengthen our position in one of the most important markets for electrical equipment for power generation and mining in the country”, says Manfred Peter Johann, WEG Automation Business Unit Managing Director.
In January 2020, WEG acquired, in the same city, one of the most modern manufacturing plants in Brazil for high voltage transformers, mainly dedicated to projects and large transmission lines. As of January 2021, WEG started to manufacture power transformers, shunt reactors, and power autotransformers with voltage class up to 800kV and power rating up to 500MVA. Together, both WEG operations will shortly employ more than 300 people.
“The attractiveness of Minas Gerais, as a place for new investments by WEG, was highlighted after a long analysis considering several alternatives across the country. In addition to the support provided by the Government of the state of Minas Gerais, through the State Investment Promotion Agency – INDI (associated with the Secretariat for Economic Development) and the Municipality of Betim, we will have an excellent market place, including a strategic location, access to main highways, strong industrial background, availability high quality education and technical courses, which provides us with qualified workforce”, explains Manfred.
“Despite the tough time we are facing, due to the covid-19 pandemic, we are happy to know that several companies are investing in Minas Gerais. The WEG project reinforces the favorable business environment that we offer. We are a State that is friendly to those who generate jobs and revenues”, says the Governor of Minas Gerais, Romeu Zema.
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