WEG transformers at aluminum production plant in Argentina
The equipment will replace existing models and ensure higher efficiency and yield to the plant
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ips Blog aluminum, Argentina, plant, production, Transformers, WEG 0
The equipment will replace existing models and ensure higher efficiency and yield to the plant
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ips Blog alternadores, cliente, Easy, fornece, Generator sets, Innovation, para, Power, Reliability, Safety of Machines, seco, síncronos, tipo, transformadores, Transformers, WEG 0
Preocupada com a crescente demanda por energia elétrica no mundo, a WEG investe em inovações tecnológicas em diversos segmentos que trazem soluções eficientes e ecológicas para o planeta.
Sendo assim, a WEG forneceu ao cliente cinco transformadores a seco e 18 alternadores síncronos da linha AG10, carcaça 280. Juntos, os equipamentos somam mais de 15 MVA de potência, e serão instalados em subestações localizadas no estado de Goiás.
Os equipamentos foram entregues para Easy Power na cidade de São Paulo (SP), empresa que oferece soluções completas no fornecimento de energia através de usinas termelétricas e subestações elevadoras, a fim de adaptá-las às necessidades do cliente.
Os alternadores síncronos WEG da linha AG10, carcaça 280, 550 kVA de potência e 380 V, são fabricados com materiais de excelente qualidade e passam por um rigoroso controle em todas as fases do processo de fabricação. Os grupos geradores atuarão em regime de serviço de emergência/stand-by, entrando em operação para cobrir falhas inesperadas de falta de energia da rede elétrica e desligamentos programados, mantendo em funcionamento equipamentos essenciais como, computadores, sistemas supervisórios, de medição, controle, painéis de comando, entre outros.
Os alternadores síncronos e transformadores a seco WEG são excelentes soluções para instalações que exigem durabilidade e robustez, garantindo ao cliente equipamentos modernos e toda rede de assistência técnica e acompanhamento pós-vendas WEG, possibilitando maior segurança e confiabilidade na operação.
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ips Blog Colombia, Energy, northern, Power, Power Transmission and Distribution, provide, Reliability, Substations, supplies, Transformers, WEG 0
Four substations located in Barranquilla, which are scheduled for commissioning in the coming months, will be supplied with seven WEG transformers, six of them in the range of 30MVA at 110kV, and one unit in the range of 50MVA at the same voltage. Regarded as essential for the substation operation, all transformers will be permanently connected.
This supply to INGEMA directly impacts the local development as the final customers AIR-E and AFINIA seek to improve the indicators and energy supply for the northern coast of Colombia, through the expansion of the capacity of energy transformation and distribution. Benefit of that is the improved reliability of the electricity grid.
“INGEMA is a key construction company in Colombia and this partnership opens the door for future WEG project negotiations, which will further strengthen our presence in the country and in Latin America. “Effective communication, values and professionalism define our partnership with WEG, in addition to having contributed to my knowledge and skills learning curve, bringing confidence and meeting expectations at every stage of the acquisition process. We thank WEG for being part of the electricity sector transformation on the Atlantic coast, benefiting and providing comfort to each of the Barranquilla residences” said Andrea Cantillo, INGEMA´s Electromechanical Coordinator.
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ips Blog alternadores, cliente, Easy, fornece, Generator sets, Innovation, para, Power, Reliability, Safety of Machines, seco, síncronos, tipo, transformadores, Transformers, WEG 0
Preocupada com a crescente demanda por energia elétrica no mundo, a WEG investe em inovações tecnológicas em diversos segmentos que trazem soluções eficientes e ecológicas para o planeta.
Sendo assim, a WEG forneceu ao cliente cinco transformadores a seco e 18 alternadores síncronos da linha AG10, carcaça 280. Juntos, os equipamentos somam mais de 15 MVA de potência, e serão instalados em subestações localizadas no estado de Goiás.
Os equipamentos foram entregues para Easy Power na cidade de São Paulo (SP), empresa que oferece soluções completas no fornecimento de energia através de usinas termelétricas e subestações elevadoras, a fim de adaptá-las às necessidades do cliente.
Os alternadores síncronos WEG da linha AG10, carcaça 280, 550 kVA de potência e 380 V, são fabricados com materiais de excelente qualidade e passam por um rigoroso controle em todas as fases do processo de fabricação. Os grupos geradores atuarão em regime de serviço de emergência/stand-by, entrando em operação para cobrir falhas inesperadas de falta de energia da rede elétrica e desligamentos programados, mantendo em funcionamento equipamentos essenciais como, computadores, sistemas supervisórios, de medição, controle, painéis de comando, entre outros.
Os alternadores síncronos e transformadores a seco WEG são excelentes soluções para instalações que exigem durabilidade e robustez, garantindo ao cliente equipamentos modernos e toda rede de assistência técnica e acompanhamento pós-vendas WEG, possibilitando maior segurança e confiabilidade na operação.
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ips Blog alternadores, Easy, fornece, Generator sets, Innovation, para, Power, Reliability, Safety of Machines, seco, síncronos, transformadores, Transformers, WEG 0
Preocupada com a crescente demanda por energia elétrica no mundo, a WEG investe em inovações tecnológicas em diversos segmentos que trazem soluções eficientes e ecológicas para o planeta.
Sendo assim, a WEG forneceu ao cliente cinco transformadores a seco e 18 alternadores síncronos da linha AG10, carcaça 280. Juntos, os equipamentos somam mais de 15 MVA de potência, e serão instalados em subestações localizadas no estado de Goiás.
Os equipamentos foram entregues para Easy Power na cidade de São Paulo (SP), empresa que oferece soluções completas no fornecimento de energia através de usinas termelétricas e subestações elevadoras, a fim de adaptá-las às necessidades do cliente.
Os alternadores síncronos WEG da linha AG10, carcaça 280, 550 kVA de potência e 380 V, são fabricados com materiais de excelente qualidade e passam por um rigoroso controle em todas as fases do processo de fabricação. Os grupos geradores atuarão em regime de serviço de emergência/stand-by, entrando em operação para cobrir falhas inesperadas de falta de energia da rede elétrica e desligamentos programados, mantendo em funcionamento equipamentos essenciais como, computadores, sistemas supervisórios, de medição, controle, painéis de comando, entre outros.
Os alternadores síncronos e transformadores a seco WEG são excelentes soluções para instalações que exigem durabilidade e robustez, garantindo ao cliente equipamentos modernos e toda rede de assistência técnica e acompanhamento pós-vendas WEG, possibilitando maior segurança e confiabilidade na operação.
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ips Blog Colombia, Energy, northern, Power, Power Transmission and Distribution, provide, Reliability, Substations, supplies, Transformers, WEG 0
Four substations located in Barranquilla, which are scheduled for commissioning in the coming months, will be supplied with seven WEG transformers, six of them in the range of 30MVA at 110kV, and one unit in the range of 50MVA at the same voltage. Regarded as essential for the substation operation, all transformers will be permanently connected.
This supply to INGEMA directly impacts the local development as the final customers AIR-E and AFINIA seek to improve the indicators and energy supply for the northern coast of Colombia, through the expansion of the capacity of energy transformation and distribution. Benefit of that is the improved reliability of the electricity grid.
“INGEMA is a key construction company in Colombia and this partnership opens the door for future WEG project negotiations, which will further strengthen our presence in the country and in Latin America. “Effective communication, values and professionalism define our partnership with WEG, in addition to having contributed to my knowledge and skills learning curve, bringing confidence and meeting expectations at every stage of the acquisition process. We thank WEG for being part of the electricity sector transformation on the Atlantic coast, benefiting and providing comfort to each of the Barranquilla residences” said Andrea Cantillo, INGEMA´s Electromechanical Coordinator.
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ips Blog 5th, America, Expansion, factory, Investments, Manufacturing Sites, North, opens, transformer, Transformers, WEG 0
WEG announces the establishment of its new transformer plant in the United States. Located in Washington, state of Missouri, where the company already counts on two other factories in operation since 2017, the new manufacturing plant had investments in the range of US$17 million and will be dedicated to the production of power transformers up to 10 MVA and voltage up to 46 kV.
As stated by Carlos Diether Prinz, Managing Director of WEG T&D, the new plant is part of the Company’s strategy to expand its production capacity to supply the North American industrial market. “With this new structure, we will allow WEG to be incorporated into the transformers market called Large Step-Up/Down Pad-Mounted Transformers, Secondary Unit Sub-Station Transformers and Small Power Transformers, with a focus on industrial customers, and substantially increase our production capacity of transformers used by the traditional electric energy utilities and by the electric energy generation parks through renewable sources, such as wind and solar”, says Mr. Prinz.
Equipped with state-of-the-art machinery and modern processes and handling systems, the new manufacturing plant counts on 14,700 square meters of manufacturing facilities, on a 54,400 square meters of available area.
WEG has four other transformer plants in North America, two in the United States and two in Mexico. In terms of workforce, the company employs 1290 people in these five operations dedicated to the energy transmission and distribution segment in that region. “Our manufacturing plants are strategically located geographically, allowing us to offer a wide range of transformers up to 500 MVA – 550 kV not only for the North American market, but also for Central America”, explains Mr. Prinz.
WEG serves additional strategic Transmission and Distribution markets from seven other manufacturing plants located in Brazil, Colombia and South Africa.
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ips Blog acquires, Brazil, business, Expansion, instrument, Investments, Itajubá, Manufacturing Sites, measuring, sets, Transformers, WEG 0
WEG S.A. (B3: WEGE3 / OTC: WEGZY) announces to its shareholders and the general market that it has signed an agreement for the acquisition of the entire capital stock of Balteau Produtos Elétricos Ltda., a manufacturer of instrument transformers and measuring sets located in Itajubá, Minas Gerais State, Brazil.
Traditional company in its segment, with long history operating in Brazil, Balteau has a manufacturing site of 11,800 m² with state-of-the-art equipment and facilities. With a workforce of 350 employees, the company specializes in the design, manufacturing, electrical testing, and technical services of current transformers and capacitive voltage transformers up to 550 kV, inductive voltage transformers up to 145kV, and measurement sets up to 36kV, products currently not part of WEG portfolio. Net revenue in 2020 was R$ 121.7 million.
“With this acquisition, WEG will complement its position as a solution provider for energy transmission and distribution infrastructure projects and improve its scope of products and solutions related to the energy generation, transmission, and distribution (GTD) segment”, explains Carlos Diether Prinz, WEG Transmission & Distribution Managing Director.
The transaction is subject to certain conditions and approval from the local competition authorities (CADE – Administrative Council for Economic Defense).
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ips Blog Chile, projects, solar, supplies, Sustainability, Transformers, WEG, wind 0
Upon discontinuation of power plants using coal for energy generation to take place in the country until 2040, several energy generation investments through the use of renewable sources become a key step to offer flexibility to the system and reach the goal of obtaining a sustainable energy grid by then.
To meet this growing demand for power generation through this configuration, WEG, through its manufacturing plant located in Blumenau, state of Santa Catarina, has just supplied two large transformers in the power range of 300 MVA and 260 MVA, both in 220 kV, to a large player operating in the energy market in Chile. These transformers will be used in two parks that, together, incorporate four different technologies, in a total of 253 MW in energy generation from renewable sources and 112 MW from application of batteries.
One of the energy generation projects comes from solar power source, with 180MW generation capacity, located in the Antofagasta region, in northern Chile, which will incorporate the largest lithium battery energy storage system in Latin America, known as BESS – Battery Energy Storage Systems.
Ten of these 180 MW photovoltaic panels will come from a revolutionary technology, which uses modular and prefabricated solar panels that allow installation in a third of the required time and occupy half of the surface. In turn, the BESS solution allows to store energy for 5 hours, capturing the energy generated by the sun’s rays long after sunset, resulting in a more competitive and resilient energy supply.
The other project, with 73 MW generation capacity, makes part of a 480 MW wind generation cluster, located in the Biobio region, which will contribute to making the Chilean electrical system even more sustainable.
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ips Blog Brazilian, Furnas, large, operating, Substation, transformer, Transformers, WEG 0
Picture by Heitor Ishida
A new WEG three-phase 350 MVA, 345/20kV stand-by power transformer got into operation on July 16, at the Ibiúna Substation, located in the state of São Paulo. FURNAS invested R$ 18 million (≈USD 3.5 million) in the equipment, which will integrate the DC transmission system of Itaipú.
The improvement in the substation will increase the reliability of the existing installations, allowing the continuity of the operation of all synchronous compensators, with the availability of a stand-by unit for the 4 transformers that serve these machines. A transfer route was also built to speed up handling to replace equipment that can reach 300 tons.
The project was authorized by the National Electric Energy Agency (Aneel), with an implementation period of 36 months, but FURNAS team managed to anticipate the completion of the work by 10 months.
For the replacement of the transformer, civil works were still necessary such as street opening, drainage, grounding and shielding systems of the substation, construction of a new base for the stand-by equipment, in addition to the replacement of the transformer, which involved disassembly, removal and assembly of the equipment, generating around 50 direct jobs and 100 indirect jobs, for a period of one year.
WEG products are recognized in the market for their safety, reliability and quality they offer, in addition to standing out for their excellent competitiveness. A proof of this is the long-lasting partnership with some customers, as in the case of Furnas Centrais Elétricas S/A, which counts with several equipment and solutions provided by WEG.
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