WEG large transformer is operating at Brazilian Substation Furnas


Picture by Heitor Ishida

A new WEG three-phase 350 MVA, 345/20kV stand-by power transformer got into operation on July 16, at the Ibiúna Substation, located in the state of São Paulo. FURNAS invested R$ 18 million (≈USD 3.5 million) in the equipment, which will integrate the DC transmission system of Itaipú.

The improvement in the substation will increase the reliability of the existing installations, allowing the continuity of the operation of all synchronous compensators, with the availability of a stand-by unit for the 4 transformers that serve these machines. A transfer route was also built to speed up handling to replace equipment that can reach 300 tons.

The project was authorized by the National Electric Energy Agency (Aneel), with an implementation period of 36 months, but FURNAS team managed to anticipate the completion of the work by 10 months.

For the replacement of the transformer, civil works were still necessary such as street opening, drainage,  grounding and shielding systems of the substation, construction of a new base for the stand-by equipment, in addition to the replacement of the transformer, which involved disassembly, removal and assembly of the equipment, generating around 50 direct jobs and 100 indirect jobs, for a period of one year.

WEG products are recognized in the market for their safety, reliability and quality they offer, in addition to standing out for their excellent competitiveness. A proof of this is the long-lasting partnership with some customers, as in the case of Furnas Centrais Elétricas S/A, which counts with several equipment and solutions provided by WEG.


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